Our Courses and Classes

Main Stream Courses


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Islamic Studies

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Overcome the Education Barrier with Islamic Cultural College Extended Stream Courses

Providing Quality Education since 1949

Journey to a place that is not just a school, but a sanctuary of souls – the Islamic Cultural College. Here, the heartbeat of our nation resonates; where many pioneers found their calling and set out to shape our society.

Generations have passed through its sacred corridors, friendships have been forged, and an unbreakable bond with Allah has been nurtured. In every corner, there is an echo of the desire to learn. In every classroom, a cradle of enlightenment, and in every moment spent, a step towards spiritual growth.

The Islamic Cultural College is more than a building where you leave your child for studies. It is a sanctuary where one can embark on a journey of self-discovery, bathed in the light of knowledge and embraced with the warmth of faith.

This great temple of light is a place to bask in and give thanks for; it is a beacon of hope to many hearts, including mine.

Providing Quality Education since 1949

The Manager

Providing Quality Education since 1949

The Rector

Providing Quality Education since 1949

Senior Educator

Quality Education

About Islamic Cultural College

Journey to a place that is not just a school, but a sanctuary of souls – the Islamic Cultural College. Here, the heartbeat of our nation resonates; where many pioneers found their call

Get 1 Course for free

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2030-03-25 14:00:00









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Our Grade Masters


Grade 7

Grade master

Grade 8

Grade master

Grade 9

Grade master

Grade 10

grade master

Grade 11


Main Stream and Extended Stream

Grade 7 has several core subjects.

School starts at 8:00 AM and finishes at 2:30PM. 

We have a nine Period timetable for Grade 7 to Grade 11.